
Fashion Nugget: 82

What makes this c.d. so special is that it's unique. It's creative, experimental, and interesting. Although I believe that their musical ability has a pathetic ring to it, it's effective and does the job. I think that this c.d. uses some interesting instruments such as organ, trumpets, and tons of different guitars. By the end of the c.d. I feel like I'm musically satisfied. It's a teenage record with an appeal towards younger people. Although some songs are under question due to their hick content, I think that you just have to skip about two out of fourteen songs. Distance is an awesome mountain biking tune. They have consistent songs that all have good melodies and backgrounds, which makes this a c.d. worth owning. Check it out.

Prolonging the Magic: 78

This disc is very different from fashion nugget. The c.d. isn't the best driving music anymore. It's slower, with a more depressing tone. The vocals are beautiful, as he crafts the melodies with wit and skill. The counter melodies and background sounds are some of the most creative stuff put out this year. Overall a solid c.d., but definetly a different mind set. He does something that everyone else has done, while making it fresh and putting the Cake stamp of coolness on it.

For another opinion on Prolonging the Magic, go to: This Place

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