
Woman's Gotta Have it: 20

I can't believe the British are now listening to this. This is even worse than Oasis. I'm starting to wonder if anyone has any musical tastes today. This c.d. sucks big time. I don't even see how they got a record company. Check out my indie section for some c.d. that will kick cornershop's ass. First of all the vocals are horrible. The guy talks through sound clips. He talks!!! There isn't a melody through the whole c.d. Once or twice the editing of their own music is cool, but they do it too often, and they don't know how to make it work. Influences from India are present, but that's about the most interesting part of their music. That they have influences. Nobody has gotten away with deceiving so many people, so whoever you are, don't buy this stupid, thoughtless disc.

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