Counting Crows

August and Everything After(the one everyone has) 69

Besides the fact that this band is too popular for its own good, I'd like to point out that they aren't that great. Actually they are trendy and turning into all the other bands. There are too many unoriginal songs once you get past their two singles which has been overplayed on the radio and really piss the hell out of me. Their upbeat, poppy background makes me feel like a headache is coming on. The guy can sing, but I don't think he uses it how he should. I guess for people that for some reason appreciate their music it could be thought as being calming, and soothing, but it does nothing for me. After listening to their full c.d. I have decided that they have followed the classic steps towards a band that has success nowadays that doesn't completely deserve it. They put out two or three good singles, and then fills up time to make a c.d. so they can sell a real record. Anyways, I think in this album they have explored their full potential and anything else that they do won't be very good. Oh well, don't buy it. Enough said. It's average.

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