In With Lauryn

Review by HI-FI LUC

So, you find yourself on Jeopardy! starring into the smug
eyes of Alex Trebeck. The game is about to wrap up and
your victory all depends on the last, singular question on
the board. You wipe the sweat from your forehead, take a
deep breath, and tell Alex that you would like "Pop
Mysteries" for "$400". As you exhale, Alex reads once
again in typical smug-Alex voice the final question for you
to win the game - "The awnser is 'Fugee'."

Your first instinct may tell you to yell out, "Wyclef!!!" at the
top of your lungs. But then you think back to the Bulworth
soundtrack and you are reminded of the hit single "Ghetto
Superstar". That would be Pras, the second Fugee band
member and his solo all-star project. Still doesn't seem
right. Then you think of the third and singular female
member of the trio - Lauryn Hill. Well, folks, I would
suggest awnsering, "What is Wyclef and Pras?" because
with the release of Hill's first solo album, she is proved that
she has perhaps outgrown the old band.

You've heard the hype, by now - Artist of the Year, Critic's
Album of the Year, the Grammy nominations, etc. But is
Lauryn Hill's first solo outing "The Miseducation of Lauryn
Hill" really THAT good? My awnser - yeah!

"Miseducation" is easily one of my favorite CD's of the
past year. Hill has enough talent to fill a Jeopardy! studio.
"Miseducation" is a somewhat daring album mixing old
school, new school, and a bit of Lauryn's own talent in
between. The final product is very cool.

Lauryn Hill is blessed with a sincerity in her lyrics and
vocals that many of today's manufactured artists lack. The
lyrics never seem cheap and Lauryn always seems very
genuine. What helps Lauryn is that she is also a talented
song writer. By listening to the CD from beginning to end,
it's the listener who gets an education. Lauryn dared to
make an album on her own rules, and the product makes
for a well-put together album.

"Miseducation" has earned a spot in heavy rotation in my
CD player where it may be nestled for a while. I keep
re-discovering things I like about it. In a world where there
seems to be more and more one-hit wonders and dull
music from confused artists, the confident talent of Lauryn
Hill's solo "Miseducation" puts her ahead of her
Fugee-past and ahead of alot of other artists as well.


For more reviews go to: Hi-fi Geeks